I had the general idea of making an event that would invoke every handler in 
its list on the thread it was registered from. So I added accessors that'd 
store the thread and set things up so when I invoke the handlers it'd use those 
threads .. only there seems to be no way to run code on a specific thread in C# 
(possibly if I did something unsafe with internal threading?) as far as I can 
see. I messed around with the ExecutionContext and various other things but 
none seems to let you interrupt a running thread, do something, and resume.

The best I have been able to manage is having the main UI thread get special 
treatment in iOS. That's actually what I want but I'd like a more universal 
solution as it's likely I'll have other components that are picky about what 
thread they're on. Seems like having events raised on the correct thread 
automatically would be a good behavior and avoid a lot of boilerplate code.

Obviously something has been done with iOS to make it possible to access the 
main thread. Am I missing something or is this pretty much a deadend?

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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

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