WebHttpBinding sits in System.ServiceModel.Web, so you need to add a
reference to that one.

- Alex

2016-04-17 22:49 GMT+02:00 Jordan Zimmerman <jor...@jordanzimmerman.com>:

> Hello,
> I’m a total mono newbie and am trying to play around with WCF. While other
> bindings are compiling without problem, WebHttpBinding is not working. I’ve
> used the Add NuGet packages to add anything I can think of but the code
> still doesn’t compile. I downloaded everything today so I assume I have the
> latest greatest everything. Note, I’m running on a MacBook Pro with El
> Capitan.
> Any ideas?
> Here are my imports:
> using System;
> using System.Collections.Generic;
> using System.Linq;
> using System.Text;
> using System.ServiceModel;
> using GettingStartedLib;
> using System.ServiceModel.Description;
> using System.ServiceModel.Web;
> Here’s the line of code:
>                 selfHost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(ICalculator), new
> WebHttpBinding(), "CalculatorService");
> -Jordan
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