Hi All,
         I am new to mono and working to create a ubuntu OS (16.04) package
with only the minimal required mono scripts/binaries. I have a sample
service application program which is working on a Ubuntu dekstop system
where I have downloaded the mono-complete packages.

I have now another system where I have copied the service application build
and running earlier and some of the binaries like mono-service, mono,
libMonoPosixHelper.so, mono-service.exe, Mono.Posix.dll and mscorlib.dll
and set the MONO_PATH variable to the location of the folder

On executing the service application using the following command
                             mono-service --debug Service1App.exe
I get an error
System.DllNotFoundException: msvcrt

Request to kindly share some pointers/links to help me proceed from the
current location.

I have attached the screen short with the mail for more information

Thanks in anticipation.

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

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