In mcs/class/PresentationFramework we a have a months-old start of a
Xaml parser, but nothing on the underlying windowing/compositing
engine was really done.

Seems there isn't a consensus if WPF should be the way (or one of
them) to go in Mono.


On 7/27/06, Jonas Beckeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've followed mono's progression with great interest the last few years,
> but since I'm very MS-bound I haven't actually used it myself. Recently,
> I've been working on a couple of side projects that I would like to see
> running on mono, but I would need help to get started (in the least) so I
> thought I'd ask here.
> It would be a paid job, split up into several phases where we decide at
> each step if and how to proceed:
> * (2-3 days) Get to know my source, write small app that uses the
> framework(s), rough estimate of possible problems and time for a mono port
> * (? days) Make a decently working port of project(s).
> * (? days) Help me continue refactoring code to make it less MS-dependent
> (i.e. all UI in separate dlls so they can be based on Gtk+, WPF, WinForms,
> and render using Gdi+ or AGG or other)
> The main project is Endogine -
> Related projects:
> PaintLab -
> OpenBlackBox -
> Anyone up for it here? Drop me a note: jonas at jobe dot nu
> BTW, I've been toying with the idea of using Endogine and OpenBlackBox
> (via AGG, OpenGL, and possible MyXAML) to write a XAML rendering
> subsystem. It's a huge task, I know, but I feel it will become important
> to have a non-MS alternative to WPF. Has there been any work done in the
> OSS WPF area yet?
> Cheers,
> Jonas Beckeman
> _______________________________________________
> Mono-winforms-list maillist  -

Rafael "Monoman" Teixeira
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man." George Bernard Shaw
Mono-winforms-list maillist  -

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