Sorry, but while one can compile and execute code that uses WinForms under Mac OS, it does not WORK, or at least not very well at all. For example, I have a very simple application with a form that contains a combobox, and if I can only change the contents of the combobox once -- pressing the drop-down arrow subsequent times has no effect! Also, the double-click handler for the ListBox does not file. There are also a large number of other problems, that basically render WinForms unusable as of 1.1.17 release.


On 2-Oct-06, at 4:10 PM, Lee Turner wrote:

Install X11 stuff from Mac OS X CD, install mono from binary package on website and WinForms will work.

However, I'll give you your point on Monodevelop, I looked at it and just though... "Hmm, I'll stick to my ubuntu box.."

What I'd really like to see is a GUI driven forms designer for WinForms ala VS2K3 and VS2K5, doing WinForms by hand is a pita!
(well, it's nice to dream)


On 02/10/06, Ken & Deb Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ah, but the real question is when we shall see a proper Mac OS X installer for MonoDevelop, even in its current state. I have looked at some of the material, but the list of dependencies is incredibly complex and ever-changing, and I am not even certain if all of the information is even up to date.

This, along with the inability to use WinForms on Mac OS X, is a major hindrance to the adoption of Mono by Mac developers, at least in my opinion.


On 2-Oct-06, at 3:53 PM, Lee Turner wrote:

Installing Ubuntu and then apt-get installing mono or using synaptics to do it for you has yeilded a very usuable development environment for me, mono-develop is still far from perfect but it works.

Debian/Ubuntu does have the advantage of dealing with dependancies for you (on the whole), the reason for Ubuntu is because it's generally more 'bleeding-edge' than Debian installs and will ship with a newer version of mono(develop)

anyway, that's my two cents

On 02/10/06, David Cornelson (gmail) < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> Well, Mono is always imminent.
> What we do need though, is good testing of Windows.Forms to make sure
> that no major bugs slip through.

So once that final bug is resolved and there is a consensus that WinForms
works as designed, what are the plans, if any, to simplify the packaging and
deployment processes.

It's been awhile since I've tried to run Mono on Linux and I don't think
I've ever seen MonoDevelop functioning properly. I don't think I've ever
been able to cleanly install Mono in a Linux environment without needing to
know how to resolve dependencies (which can spiral out of control quickly).

I think the question I'm asking is this. Will Mono ever be packaged so that
a non-Linux developer, say a VB 6 developer or less-experienced C#
developer, might be able to throw RedHat, Fedora, Suse, or Debian up on a
computer and quickly start creating usable and cross-platform programs that
can be easily deployed?

This would be my goal. Get those VB programmers interested. Get the guy that
writes software for mom and pop businesses interested.

David Cornelson

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