On 7/28/07, Valentin Sawadski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, 2007-07-28 at 00:38 +0300, Ivan N. Zlatev wrote:
> > I have been trying to parent a MWF control in a GTK Container
> > unsuccessfully. I have attached the result of my hackings, which
> > doesn't crash, but doesn't seem to show the MWF control properly.
> >
> > Anyone care to help me out figure what's wrong and how to make this
> > work? I really need this working in order to integrate the GSoC
> > WinForms designer in MonoDevelop. :(
> I haven't got much experience with this kind of stuff, but at first
> glance it looks like your control is being created at a different thread
> than the one on which System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run is being
> invoked on.
> Doesn't it needed to be created in the same thread because
> System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run creates the message pumps only on
> its current thread?

Absolutely true. I have overlooked that and infact it seems to work
very well now! Thanks!

I have attached the updated code in case someone ever finds it useful
for something.
Ivan N. Zlatev

Web: http://www.i-nZ.net
"It's all some kind of whacked out conspiracy."
using System;
using Gtk;
using Gdk;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Threading;

namespace mwfingtk
	class MainClass
		private static Container _gtkContainer;
		private static Control _mwfContainer;
		public static void Main (string[] args)
			RunGTK ();
			while (_gtkContainer == null) {}
			while (_gtkContainer.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) { } // wait for the gtk handle
			Console.WriteLine ("GTK up and running.\n");
			RunMWF ();
			while (_mwfContainer == null) {}
			while (!_mwfContainer.IsHandleCreated) { } // wait for the mwf handle
			Console.WriteLine ("MWF up and running.\n");
			Gtk.Application.Invoke ( delegate { 
				Gdk.Window window = Gdk.Window.ForeignNew ((uint) _mwfContainer.Handle);
				window.Reparent (_gtkContainer.GdkWindow, 0, 0);
				window.Show ();
				Console.WriteLine ("Parenting complete.\n");
			} );
		private static void RunMWF ()
			Thread t = new Thread (InitializeMWF); 
			t.Start ();
			while (!t.IsAlive) {};
		private static void RunGTK ()
			Thread t = new Thread (InitializeGTK); 
			t.Start ();
			while (!t.IsAlive) {};

		private static void InitializeGTK ()
			Gtk.Application.Init ();
			Gtk.Window gtkWindow = new Gtk.Window ("Title");
			gtkWindow.ShowAll ();
			_gtkContainer = gtkWindow;
			Gtk.Application.Run ();
		private static void InitializeMWF ()
			Control mwfContainer = new Panel ();
			mwfContainer.Click += delegate { 
				System.Windows.Forms.Button b = new System.Windows.Forms.Button ();
				b.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
				b.Top = 50;
				b.Left = 50;
				b.Click += delegate {
					b.Parent.Controls.Add (new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox ());
				_mwfContainer.Controls.Add (b);
			mwfContainer.Controls.Add (new System.Windows.Forms.Button ());
			mwfContainer.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;
			mwfContainer.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (200, 200);
			mwfContainer.CreateControl ();

			_mwfContainer = mwfContainer;
			System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run ();
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