It looks like a bug - please fill a report in bugzilla.


2008/12/8 Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> I have a very simple game which works fine on a Fedora 9 box (uses Mono
> 1.9.1) but completely fails under F10 (mono 2.0.1) and rawhide (2.2
> preview 1).
> The game starts fine, but completely fails to interact with any key
> press. It's as if X is ignoring the mono window (or at least the events
> generated from the window).
> The key event code runs like this
>    private void cTrix_KeyDown(object sender,
>                               System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e)
>    {
>      switch(e.KeyCode)
>      {
>      case Keys.X:  CurrentBlock.Right(); break;
>      case Keys.Z:  CurrentBlock.Left(); break;
>      case Keys.K:  CurrentBlock.Rotate(); break;
>      case Keys.M:  CurrentBlock.Down(); break;
>      case Keys.Escape:
>        tmrGameClock.Enabled = !tmrGameClock.Enabled;
>        if (tmrGameClock.Enabled)
>          this.Text = "ctrix";
>        else
>          this.Text = "ctrix -- Press 'Esc' to Continue";
>        break;
>      default: break;
>      }
>      Invalidate();
>    }
> Nothing unusual there, but I'm getting nothing from the game window. Can
> anyone else verify this behaviour? It makes no difference if the code is
> written in VB.NET or C#, no response from the game.
> Paul
> --
> Sie können mich aufreizen und wirklich heiß machen!
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