If it doesn't work for Winforms, that is a different bug.  MonoDevelop 
will eventually fix it by using a gtk-related library.


On 01/22/2009 07:50 AM, Stifu wrote:
> I found this bug, but it's for MonoDevelop, not Windows.Forms (it could be
> related, though):
> https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=359262
> rrussell wrote:
>> I have a WinForms application running on OSX 10.4 and 10.5 with Mono 2.2
>> installed, and I've noticed that if I right-click on its dock icon and
>> select 'Quit', the application doesn't shutdown. Is this a known problem?
>> Clicking the X in the upper left corner of the form works just fine, so
>> it's not a big deal, but I'm just curious if anyone else has seen this
>> behavior.
>> Using the 'Force Quit' option works, but of course it doesn't allow the
>> application to shutdown gracefully.
>> Thanks,
>> - Ryan

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