Tobias Hunger schrieb:
> On Monday, 30. May 2005 15:45, Christof Petig wrote:
>>Interesting ... it should not fail because it explicitely asks the
>>server for the modules and their absolute paths.
> Yes. gdb's CVS server returns a list of *directories and files* to be checked
> out when asking for the gdb+dejagnu module. This list is passed on to
> GetServerDir() (IIRC, can't check right now).
> GetServerDir tries to figure out which local directory matches up with which
> directory on the server, assuming that expand-module has returned a list of
> *directories*. As soon as one of the files returned earlier is encountered
> the reported invariant failure pops up as the Message returned by the server
> when checking out *files* is not expected.

Hmm. monotone cvs_pull explicitely does a recursive co [-r9999] to get
the directory for every referred module and notes the result. Then it
asks for every revision (rlog) and tries to file the files correctly.

I could not come up with a less error prone procedure to get a list of
both active and dead files.


PS: I will try to check myself where this problem lies.

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