On Sunday 29 May 2005 02:50, rghetta wrote:
> In short, the step to use MS Word to handle .doc files are:
> 1. redefine the binary_file() hook to mark .doc files as binary ...
> 2. redefine the merge2()/merge3() to invoke word when the first bytes of
> content match.
> Note: if we implement the add-time hook, you will have also access to
> file content at step 1.

I definitely would like the add-time hook.  File extensions are not 
unambiguous, even when they are correct.

So I would end up coding three hook functions whose bodies are switch 
statements, and I'll just have to make sure that I keep the bodies 
synchronized.  No big problem, I'll just quit making dumb mistakes....  but 
from a software engineering point of view, wouldn't it be better to have one 
hook function that looked at the files, and decided to invoke the textual 
merge, or the XMI merge, or the MS Word merge, or whatever?

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