On Wed, Aug 10, 2005 at 12:20:33AM +0200, Tomas Fasth wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/work/monotone/monotone/debian$ mt merge
> monotone: starting with revision 1 / 2
> monotone: merging with revision 2 / 2
> monotone: [source] 8f5da2ff98cf729256cec8d2ccca3a0c8fc7bfa9
> monotone: [source] deef8ad515d11918dbd0b959ff05ea9a88a7f221
> monotone: common ancestor e9ec2bd2a80cc3deb7d386d1e6a260ff671c6d57
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2005-07-07T09:43:59 found
> monotone: trying 3-way merge
> monotone: help required for 3-way merge
> monotone: [ancestor] debian/changelog
> monotone: [    left] debian/changelog
> monotone: [   right] debian/changelog
> monotone: [  merged] debian/changelog
> executing external 3-way merge command
> monotone: fatal: std::logic_error: revision.cc:260: invariant
> 'I(cs_left == cs_right)' violated

This probably has nothing to do with the changelog file; I don't have
any of the revisions mentioned there, so can't really check, but it's
most likely one of the choosing-an-ancient-ancestor bugs where it
trips over some tree rearrangement.  You might try 'merge --lca' in

-- Nathaniel

Eternity is very long, especially towards the end.
  -- Woody Allen

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