A while back, I'd asked about how to identify the revision which matched a file stored outside the repository. IIRC, one of the suggestions was to use sha1sum to get the hash and find the matching revision, but that doesn't appear to work. The file and the revision number always have different hashes, so I'm guessing that the internal hash in monotone isn't hashing *just* the file.

I'm trying to implement monotone at work for tracking revisions to server configuration files, and keeping a repository on each server isn't an acceptable option (e.g. I can't treat the configurations files as a monotone working copy). So, the problem arises of trying to determine which revision the file on a given server represents.

Like I said, I tried the sha1sum approach, without luck. I know there was a suggested pre-commit hook to add some value to the file under revision control at commit time, but with these configuration files, that's not really an option.

How are other people currently handling this sort of issue? Or is it just outside the scope of what monotone is currently designed to address?

Re-Interpreting Historic Miracles with SED #141: %s/water/wine/g

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