Title: Re: monotone setup failure
Also, the file system is an afp remote mount. Probably a file locking issue?



On 10/8/05 2:40 PM, "Peter Portante" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am just trying to learn monotone, and I was following the project tutorial trying to setup my first project.

The directory topc-2.5.0 already exists and the database was created a few days ago.



[rockets:Personal/School/CSG280] portante% monotone --db=mdb --branch=edu.neu.ccs.csg280.topc.debug setup topc-2.5.0
monotone: fatal: std::runtime_error: failure extracting schema from sqlite_master
monotone: this is almost certainly a bug in monotone.
monotone: please send this error message, the output of 'monotone --full-version',
monotone: and a description of what you were doing to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
monotone: discarding debug log (maybe you want --debug or --dump?)
[rockets:Personal/School/CSG280] portante% monotone --full-version
monotone 0.23 (base revision: e32d161b8d5cde9f0968998cc332f82f82c27006)
Running on: Darwin 7.9.0 Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0: Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC  Power Macintosh
Changes since base revision:
new_manifest [68895899b164e1f443f988efef93e8384f1b182a]

old_revision [e32d161b8d5cde9f0968998cc332f82f82c27006]
old_manifest [68895899b164e1f443f988efef93e8384f1b182a]

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