On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 10:36:16AM +0100, Bruce Stephens wrote:
> I'm suggesting another would be to leave monotone's protocol just as
> it is (complete with signing), and just to use TLS to provide an
> encryption wrapper around it, for those that want such a thing.  

It doesn't work like this -- if you want MITM protection,
your authentication has to be tied into all your actual crypto use.
So in this scenario, a MITM attacker couldn't alter the stream
(because we our HMACing is tied into the authentication), but they
could eavesdrop on everything, despite the encryption.

-- Nathaniel

"But in Middle-earth, the distinct accusative case disappeared from
the speech of the Noldor (such things happen when you are busy
fighting Orcs, Balrogs, and Dragons)."

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