On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 12:08:07AM -0500, Timothy Brownawell wrote:
> ...but then, it's hard to test properly since that would require doing
> things like reloading the config file and rearranging the servers while
> there's a number of open connections (in particular, when I first put in
> config file reloading any connections after the reload would go to a new
> server object, and so a new server process, even if the old server
> (likely with the same db) was still running (from still having open
> connections), even on servers that hadn't been changed), which I think
> the current test framework is entirely too linear to handle easily.

Another option would be to move it out tree entirely, as a separate
add-on that implements the 'monotone usher interface' or something.
Doesn't seem like anything that really gains a whole lot from shipping
with monotone itself (except as sample code), since the user base for
it is so special; and if it's turning into a full-fledged app, then
maybe moving it out would give useful flexibility in terms of things
like choosing an appropriate testing architecture...

(I swear, the grammar is viral. :-))

-- Nathaniel

Details are all that matters; God dwells there, and you never get to
see Him if you don't struggle to get them right. -- Stephen Jay Gould

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