I'm experimenting with the read-permissions file running "pull"
against a server and finding the resulting behavior surprising. As
this file format is relatively new to monotone, searching for
documentation and examples has brought little help.

Consider the following example:

,----[ ~/.monotone/read-permissions ]
| comment "Everyone can read these branches"
| pattern "com.example.foo.bar*"
| allow "*"
| comment "Only some people can read these branches"
| pattern "com.example.foo*"

The intention is to allow anonymous access to the com.example.foo.bar
branch and its descendants, but to allow only two users access to any
other branches rooted at com.example.foo.

On the server I run the following command:

  monotone serve --db=~/path/to/foo.db some_address 'com.example.foo*'

On some client I run the following two commands:

  monotone pull some_address com.example.foo.bar
  monotone pull some_address com.example.foo

Both of these commands succeed, being granted read access by the
server. I expected that the first would be permitted, but that the
second one should have been rejected for lack of a key
specification. That is, anonymous access was not intended for any
branches but com.example.foo.bar and its descendants.

Have I misunderstood the read-permissions format? Is this a bug in
monotone? The server side is running version 0.24 on Debian Linux, the
client side running version 0.24 on Cygwin atop Windows XP.

Steven E. Harris

Monotone-devel mailing list

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