On Wed, 2006-02-01 at 15:21 -0500, Michael Milner wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been following along on recent developments and am very pleased with
> the stability of 0.26rc1.
> Is there currently any kind of roadmap to the first stable release?
> I've been using monotone extensively for some small projects with great
> success, but I am a bit reluctant to start using it with a larger team
> until it becomes "stable".
> Any thoughts?  What still needs to be done?

Hmm... we do have a ROADMAP file in the source tree, but it's somewhat
out of date. Comments in [brackets].

Note also that the roadmap is (broadly) conservative. The goal with
monotone is to produce a stable tool which works fast, reliably,
predictably, and helps users manage their ever-growing collections of
diverging data.


- tidy up major buid/use-breaking bugs in win32, BSD, OSX versions
- improve netsync error reporting code
  - one part: many 'I's should be 'require's.
  [I think this was (mostly?) fixed with the recent netsync rewrite.]
- reimplement change_set.cc. major surgery :(
  [This was done with the switch to rosters.]
- overhaul command-line option processing, perhaps use argp
- move output formatting to lua hooks
- integrate net.venge.monotone.ssh branch
- integrate net.venge.monotone.botan branch
  [This has been done.]
- modify database code to use sqlite3 pre-parsed queries, blobs
  [This is about done, but I don't think it's been merged yet.]
- change netsync to globbing branches, not using collections
- implement improved ACL/permission system for default trust rules
- implement "merge into working copy" approach to merging
  [Work on this has just been started.]
- emacs integration
  [I think there's a few scripts for this in contrib/ ?]

  ( probably call it "1.0" or "stable" around here )

- work on GUIs and web UIs
  [viewmtn, monotone-viz, mtsh]
- "merge before commit" (CVS-style online commit-coordination)
  [huh?? I thought we considered commit-before-merge to be a much
  better practice]
- bidirectional mirroring between monotone and CVS/SVN/arch
- an "agent" for storing decrypted private key in memory
- "hash-migration" technology for scenarios where SHA1 falls
- ease long-term maintainance by writing up a real hacking guide
  (.texi, based on expanded HACKING file, a guided tour of code,
  and a thorough description of the more complicated algorithms)
  for new maintainers.

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