Chad Walstrom wrote:
"Justin Patrin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
*18*? Wow, that's a bit behind the times. A lot has changed.

It's not so hard to imagine.  For example, Debian stable ships with
Monotone 0.18, and some people are happy working with packages only
found in the stable release of their favorite distributions.

It would be interesting to know what the upgrade path would be from
these old versions of Monotone.

One way to keep packages out of Debian Stable is to file a release
critical bug against the package stating that it's "alpha" software
and that it changes too often to be included in a "stable" release.
Of course, this is a bit too late now. ;-)

Yeah. We're sort of in a weird boat because we've made quite an emphasis on *reliability*, so the program appears sort of "mature-ish" to many observers. But we haven't settled (yet) on a policy of *stability* to match the policy of reliability; we still make changes pretty frequently. So people get upset that they have to run migration commands frequently, or have frequent protocol flag days.

That said, each release has contained forward-migration capability, and we *are* working towards a 1.0 release. The list of things to do before then has been shrinking for a while now, not growing. I expect -- though of course cannot guarantee -- that we are in the last calendar year of pre-1.0 development now. Once we bless a release with that number, I at least intend to focus on stability on the 1.x line. So I will keep a branch alive called "1.x" which maintains:

  - stability of command-line, automate and hook interfaces.
  - stability of database, wire-protocol and data formats.
  - best-effort at migrating pre-1.0 stuff into 1.x series.
    (some data degradation is inevitable, as there have been bugs)
  - reasonably timely security-related updates.
  - tuning, optimizations, cosmetic bug fixes, at a slow rate.
  - documentation corrections.
  - some of the roadmap items listed as JANITORIAL.

I don't know what other people feel like, but I've sort of lost the fire for really active hacking on monotone. I want it to calm down and be mature. My mental feature-to-do list currently contains:

  - management branches (plus using hashes for key and branch names)
  - ssh / pipe transport for netsync (mostly done, needs debugging)
  - partial pull (or something, maybe just decide against it)
  - merge into working dir (relatively easy)


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