On Tue, Mar 28, 2006 at 01:22:24AM -0800, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
>   -- maybe change the configuration dir from ~/.monotone to ~/.mtn.
>      No-one seemed to much care for this idea, which seemed a little
>      weird to me (I dunno, would you expect ls to find its
>      configuration in ~/.list?), but whatever, this isn't really
>      urgent anyway so I'm happy to ignore it for now.

Actually, though, on this note, does anyone actually _know_ what prior
art exists for this question?  'ls' is not really a good example,
because everyone just calls it 'ls', while 'mtn' would still
presumably be pronounced "monotone".

The only thing I could find in a similar situation is "midnight
commander", which has command name 'mc' and uses ~/.mc.

(There's also subversion, which has command name 'svn' and puts config
in ~/.subversion, but that doesn't really count, because they have the
same situation -- they use .svn for bookkeeping dirs, so they can't
use it for their config.)

Anyone know of other prior art?

-- Nathaniel

"...these, like all words, have single, decontextualized meanings: everyone
knows what each of these words means, everyone knows what constitutes an
instance of each of their referents.  Language is fixed.  Meaning is
certain.  Santa Claus comes down the chimney at midnight on December 24."
  -- The Language War, Robin Lakoff

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