On Wed, 2006-03-29 at 01:15 -0800, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
> Right, so, here's the appropriate recipe:
>   $ mtn -d <your db> db execute \
>     "delete from revision_certs where keypair = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'"
> It's been run on the server, if you pulled the extra certs, please
> make sure you run this command before sync'ing again.  (Hopefully
> everyone who did pull will see this in time; if not, maybe we'll have
> to bump up the priority on that cert allergy thing we've mentioned a
> few times to deal with situations like these... :-).)

Eh, it's not a horribly big deal. Just a one-time bandwidth use of 6-7
MB, and then a few MB increase in db size. Nothing's actually broken.

Wouldn't having to send and remember cert allergies take just as much


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