Nathaniel Smith schrieb:
Google's running Summer of Code again this year:

They invited us back again, so I went ahead and accepted :-).  They

Cool thing... but what happened last time? Did any project / code from the previous SoC went into monotone?

Also, to everyone: what monotone-related projects do you think would
be good for a student summer project? :-) (Or, just, what projects do
you think would be cool?)

Well, I'm not too familiar with SoC so I don't know how many students do see that as a part time thing and how many actually stick to the OS project, so finding suitable (smaller) projects to get them "warmed up" might be better than huge / complicated tasks.

My idea would be to offer a project to develop a cross-platform mtn GUI (this may or may not be build off guitone and/or Qt - I'm open for other suggestions as well), while extending the automation interface would be a prerequisite for that.


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