Nathaniel Smith schrieb:
Well, I found them interesting to read, anyway :-):

Two quotes interesting to us would be (comments about other known SCM):

"Chose Monotone, got confused, switched to Mercurial."

I don't know anything about Mercurial (so I don't know how they handle revisions,...), but as I started off with monotone, the hardest thing for me was to "think in hashes" and to deal with 40 Byte long revision numbers...

"Monotone is simply too slow to use, even on smallish trees on my dual amd64."

The obvious bottle-neck IMHO is pulling large repos, like the monotone one, as this takes far too long to do security checks there (as far as I can remember what Nathaniel once told me). This would be definitely a point for improvement. The other actions happen quite fast, and I have no dual machine.


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