On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 10:17:43PM +0100, Joel Crisp wrote:
> I think that one feature of config specs which hasn't been mentioned yet is 
> 'lazy branching'
> In other words, I have a personal branch which shadows a team integration 
> branch which shadows the main branch.
> If I checkout a file which only exists on the main branch, it automatically 
> creates branched versions of that file on the team and personal branches.
> A rule like (sorry, can't remember the exact syntax and I'm at home atm):
> * /main/team/personal/CHECKEDOUT
> * /main/team/LATEST
> * /main/LATEST
> * mkbranch /main/team/personal
> would automatically make a branch on /main/team/personal whenever I check a 
> file out
> This is some of the magic of config specs ;-)

Hmm, since monotone branches are always of the whole tree, I think we
get this for free?

Unless one of the features here is that as changes are committed to
the team repo are automatically they automatically become visible in
the personal repo, _unless_ you have branched that file locally?

That sounds like a terrifying concept to me, guaranteeing that you can
never reconstruct tree states later, but perhaps it is a feature?  I
would certainly like to understand, even if I happen not to like the
result :-).

> Oh, and one other neat feature is lspriv -recurse, which lists all the 
> files in the current view (workspace) which are *not* under
> version control.

'mtn ls ignored' together with 'mtn ls unknown' should exactly match
this, I think.  (Personally, I'd also like to see 'mtn status' include
a list of unknown files, see
but it's not completely trivial if you want to keep it fast on large
trees -- doable, just takes more time than copy/pasting the 'ls
unknown' code and plonking it down in the status command :-).)

> Clearcase also has an expression language for selecting versions (think SQL 
> for configuration management) which is highly flexible, and which can be 
> combined with the find command....kinda like monotone selectors on speed....

Oo, interesting -- making selectors more flexible/useful has been on
the list for a long time, e.g.:

Do you have a pointer to any docs on this clearcase feature?  It'd be
useful to stash away as a reference on that wiki page.

> Most clearcase commands also take the -short and -long options to give easy 
> control over the volume of output. They also (I think we've spoken about 
> this before) take the -fmt option which is like printf for CM systems.

Yeah, formatting has come up before, and would be very nice indeed,
but no-one's sat down and come up with a really sufficient template
language yet.

-- Nathaniel

"Of course, the entire effort is to put oneself
 Outside the ordinary range
 Of what are called statistics."
  -- Stephan Spender

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