
Thanks for your suggestion.

> FWIW, i find that the most useful feature of the SCM
> plugins is actually
> keeping track of renames.

Will look into that.

> Most VCS operations can be done outside the IDE
> fairly easily, albeit with a
> bit less style and ease of use.  I find it more
> comfortable actually, but
> I'm probably in the minority there.

In other words, u prefer to do the dirty work of
setting up the DB, creating workspace etc outside of
IDE, rather than thru the UI?

Hmm...mayb most experience monotoners like it this
way. Once u get the hang of typing command, u rarely
want to use wizards. Is that so? :-) 

> On the other hand, when you're doing class- and
> package-name refactoring
> inside eclipse, making the identical changes from
> the command line can
> be quite tedious and error-prone, especially since
> you can't use shell file
> completion to get the old path right.
> So from my perspective, if you got that right and
> nothing else worked, I
> would be very pleased!

Wat do you mean? refactoring of files that is attached
to workspace causes error when a person uses shell to
mantain it?

Thanks and cheers

> On 6/22/06, zi bin cheah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > ===1st Weekly report===
> >
> > This is Summer of Code's Zi Bin. I have officially
> > started work for two weeks. Prior  to this, I was
> tied
> > up with uni exams.
> >
> > So far,I have written java module that allows
> > 1)starting of new project, adding files to
> existing
> > workspace, creating workspace, list keys, gen
> keys,
> > commit works. All these are java modules(in
> eclipse)
> > to run the actual command in console(using Java
> 5.0's
> > ProcessBuilder).
> >
> > The current task at hand would be to hack into
> > DarcsEclipse plugin to allow "Team > Share
> Project"
> > (For those who are not familiar with Eclipse, its
> just
> > a way to choose revison control of your choice in
> a UI
> > manner in Eclipse). Currently I am looking at the
> > DarcsEclipse code. Understanding of DarcsEclipse
> codes
> > have been slow. Any1 that is familiar, advice is
> > greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Nathaniel and several other monotoners highlighted
> > that probably the most important thing is to allow
> > project to COMMIT in Eclipse itself. After all,
> that's
> > the use of plugin :-). Hacking into DarcsEclipse,
> my
> > priority is to understand how Darcs link to
> Eclipse's(
> > extension point) whereby sharing of project and
> > COMMITing is done. Hopefully,  I will bring good
> news
> > when my nex week's report comes in.
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > Zi Bin
> >
> >
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> > Monotone-devel mailing list
> >
> >
> >

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