Markus Schiltknecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> Sorry, I should have made that clearer. I meant to store something like:
> file_foo.txt 1.75
> file_bar.txt 1.9
> TODO 1.1
> README 1.5
> per revision. Additionally one could save infos like: 'all CVS commits
> were between 27/08/2006 15:42:13 and 27/08/2006 15:42:19' or even:
> 'this revision overlaps in CVS with MTN revision 359a3f2...'

Ah, OK.  Yes, I can see that would work.  No idea whether that would
be better or worse than using file attributes.  I guess if this were a
cert, then there'd be a potential problem with multiple (incompatible)
certs on the same revision.


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