Nathaniel Smith wrote: suggests significant interest
in doing this, so, no time like the present... let's see if we can
figure out any more details.

Length: this is perhaps the most important question.  How _long_
should this thing be?  Two options that come to mind:
  2-3 days: fits in a weekend, probably easier for peopple to find
    the time (get leave from work, etc.), probably easier to find a
    space (e.g., Bar Camps seem quite able to find businesses that are
    happy to host random hackers for a weekend; probably not so much
    during the week when they want to, you know, use their offices to
    get work done).  OTOH, it is sort of dumb to cross the Pacific for
    a 2 day event -- you spend more time in airplanes than actually
    in the event!
  6-7 days: Probably one would organize this as 2.5-3 days of sprint,
    then a day off to hang out/recuperate/let ideas gel, then another
    2.5-3 days of sprint.  Might still be too long to maintain focus
    (anyone who's actually done sprints have any intuition here?), and
    potentially harder for people to attend and harder to find a space
    to work in.  (If arranged in two pieces, people who are shorter on
    time could potentially attend only the first or second half.)
There are also intermediate options, like, for instance -- 4-5 days!
But that might to too long to go straight through, but not long enough
to take a break.  Or maybe I'm just crazy and this break idea is

I don't think I'd do more than 2-3 days. I'd guess that there's not much sleep to have during that time. ;)

It would be cool to have a life video/sound setup. Though it's 9 hours to west coast US...

German Summit:
Hannover kind of presents itself. And Dirk Hillbrecht already offered hosting. Perfect! Unfortunately, there are no public holidays in Jan/Feb, so no long weekend.


-- Ulf

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