In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 20:07:32 -0500, Timothy 
Brownawell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

tbrownaw> > So I think built in encryption would be a good thing.
tbrownaw> Yes, not everyone will (easily) be able to use those
tbrownaw> alternatives. But AIUI it'd also be a horrible pain to
tbrownaw> implement, so instead people are working on things that are
tbrownaw> more requested and/or easier to do. If someone happened
tbrownaw> across an easy way to build in encryption, I'm sure we'd
tbrownaw> start using it pretty readily.

Doesn't Botan have facilities to make such things easy?  I was under
the impression that it has...


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