On Wed, Oct 25, 2006 at 10:35:26AM +0200, Thomas Keller wrote:
> > Timing: _When_ should this thing be?
> Me personally would be happy with February next year, because I have
> exams in January. Of course not the perfect weather, depressing season
> and all, but if there are no near-time alternatives...

I dunno, maybe we should do a run-up mostly-online sprint sometime in
the next few months (early December, before the holidays really hit,
maybe?).  Again, it's a big effort to get core people face-to-face and
so that needs more lead time, but if you guys who can just get on a
train for a few hours want to get together sooner or more often, you
should totally go for it :-).

> > One more note: it appears we have a huge cluster of people in Germany
> > (or relatively nearby), and especially people working on front-ends
> > and integration stuff.  Just because we're trying to plan a big event
> > with a few months lead time, doesn't mean you guys couldn't get on
> > trains and hang out for a weekend sooner ;-).
> This cluster is tremendous, indeed =) One needs to figure out though on
> what project the sprint should be run, main monotone source or some
> dependent front-end. I'm probably not much of a help to hack the
> monotone source itself in this case. To be honest, I'd see the whole
> event more like a get-in-contact with other fellows and not like the
> excessive hackathlon (10hrs coding, ...). Of course there has to be an
> outcome for such an event, but this should not spoil the fun.

Well, like everything in FOSS, what each person does is up to them
:-).  Definitely a lot of the point is to make contacts and get
energized, but if you can then use that energy from being in a group
to pound out code (or docs, or whatever), get instant response when
you run into a question, well...

I doubt it is important that everyone be working on monotone core, or
on guitone, or on mtteam, or whatever... I bet everyone can still find
things to talk about...

-- Nathaniel

"But suppose I am not willing to claim that.  For in fact pianos
are heavy, and very few persons can carry a piano all by themselves."

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