Sorry for prolonging this thread.

Line ending conversion affects my "use case". I keep bash scripts in mtn
that I copy by hand to other computers, and I generally use sha1sum to
make sure that said computers have a certain version of the scripts
installed (comparing their SHA1 against the log). The fact that mtn
identifies file versions by their SHA1 is very elegant and probably the
feature that caught my eye when I was shopping for a SCM.

I think that having "each version is identified by the SHA1 of what YOU
commit" is inherently better than "each version is identified by the
SHA1 of the UTF-8 (or whatever format chosen) of what you commit".

The fact that I have an external tool that agrees with monotone's idea
of a file's contents gives me confidence in monotone.


Ulf Ochsenfahrt wrote:
> This line ending thing is getting far too much attention, IMHO. My last
> word on this issue is:
> - Whatever I check in, I want checked out
> - What I'd like to see is a setting where monotone checks on commit if
> the files obey a particular line ending convention/charset and gives a
> warning if they don't
> I don't want any automatic conversion of line endings or charsets. IMHO,
> charsets are much too fragile and dangerous to be handled by monotone.
> And line ending conversion cannot really be separated from charset
> handling in the face of non-8-bit encoded charsets.
> That said, I am not opposed to an opt-in mechanism for line
> ending/charset handling, as long as its not on by default.
> The CVS way to do it was really, really bad. It messed up my files
> several times, with duplicate line endings and with treating binary
> files as text.
> Now, there's also another thing, which is a better merge ui, which is
> much overdue now...
> Cheers,
> -- Ulf
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