In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 09:32:46 -0200, "Alex 
Queiroz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

asandroq>      Don't drop me just yet! I know the pt_BR translation lacks care,

Heh, it's good to write in a threatening way, people tend to answer

So far, it was only a question, but when monotone reaches 1.0, I'm
thinking we need to have translation in smooth order.  And it's a job
that requires commitment at that point.  Now, you said this:

asandroq> I know of at least another monotone Brazilian user in this
asandroq> list, so if anyone wanna help, that is gonna be very
asandroq> appreciated.

I entirely agree with you.  I've come to understand that translators
in different projects tend to form communities of their own, and I
guess that needs to happen here as well.  How about you try to recruit
a few more Brazilian users to help you with translation?  That way it
doesn't just depend on one person.  Oh, and that goes for everyone
interested in doing translations, not just Alex, so I hope the rest of
you are listening as well!

That said, I believe that should I fall back for any reason and can't
keep my attention on sv.po, Joel Rosdahl can step in.  But that's an
assumption, so maybe you can confirm or deny, Joel?  Maybe I need to
listen to my own words and form a bit more Swedish community.  Anyone?


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Richard Levitte                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"When I became a man I put away childish things, including
 the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
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