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William Uther schrieb:
> There seem to be two options:
>   i) the net.venge.monotone.cvssync branch.  (Or the
> net.venge.monotone.cvssync.refactor branch?)
>   What state is this in?  I couldn't find much documentation for it, and
> what I could find was fairly old.  I was planning to have a quick play,
> but at the moment I'm a little wary.  (the cvssync branch is a couple of
> months old, but the refactor branch seems to be active.  Is the cvssync
> branch stable or abandoned?)

Yes, the cvssync branch is abandoned. The cvssync.rewrite branch is not
finished, yet (documentation vanished during the refactoring) and it
needs an enhanced mtn binary (automate extensions, which are agreed upon
 but do not have the necessary tests to get mainline, yet). These
extensions are in nvm.cvssync.candidates and nvm.cvssync.refactor .
Unfortunately we decided to modify cvssync3 a bit (which I did not
finish to code).

- - cvssync1: finished, tested, slow
- - cvssync3: work in progress, did work before the summit, needs a bit
more work to compile again, passes test cases but I saw some strange issues
- - cvssync4: proposed by Nathaniel, still to get properly designed

>   ii) Tailor http://www.darcs.net/DarcsWiki/Tailor
>   This looks a little ugly too.  It is a script with a shared working
> copy that allows revisions to be moved back and forth.  That means you
> can get conflicts.  Icky.  There is a note in the readme that it
> linearises multiple heads somehow, but I haven't looked into that yet.
> Has anyone used either option?  Any recommendations?

I have been using cvssync1 (0.24) to migrate from CVS to monotone during
the last years. I still want to push my changes in monotone to CVS, so I
definitively want cvssync3 to work again.

> There is actually a third option:
>   iii) Switch the cvs respository to svn.  I might be able to push that
> through.  I'd then need to sync with svn.  I could use Tailor for that. 
> Or, is there a nice cvs-sync way for montone to work with svn?

after finishing partial pull and cvssync3/4 I planned to write a
mtn_svn, just for fun ... but this has low priority for me. Perhaps my
plan to implement mtn_git is of higher importance.

I will put some work into cvssync3 tonight, stay tuned.
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