On 23/02/2007, at 7:22 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

A.M. wrote:

On Feb 22, 2007, at 13:00 , Alvaro Herrera wrote:

One thing that Monotone doesn't do to which we are used to, is
$Id$-style keyword expansion.  The only other problem I see
currently is
the long time to get an initial pull.

Monotone will never support such templating because it relies on SHA
hashing to track the repo history, so changing the repo before the
hashing would mean that monotone would have to track pre- and post-
templated files.

Um, subversion supports keywords like this and also has checksumming. It just means that you have to 'compress' the tags as part of the commit process. $Id: random ID here$ is always stored as $Id:$ in the repository. It is expanded again on checkout. This not only helps with checksumming, but also makes sure that there are no spurious changes between revisions.

Of course, you want to keep this optional and disabled by default. Subversion uses attributes to turn on specific keywords for specific files.

Am I misunderstanding something?

Will       :-}

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