
this was previously discussed here:

and here:

So far I have been entirely unable to convince anyone that this is an important topic, so let me try again. Consider the following two scenarios:

Scenario 1 (myself):
I've got a database with 80 branches for 52 projects with a total of 3763 revisions. I can subdivide these branches into roughly 10 sets of branches: my private branches, branches i share with my gf, branches i share with colleagues at work (read-only), branches i share with those same colleagues at work (write access), branches i share with other colleagues at work (...), entirely public branches, and so on. Furthermore, I have 3 machines I regularly use for work: my home machine, my work machine, and my laptop, that I take with me to Oxford, where my gf lives. I also have a server that I use as a monotone server where all branches are stored as well, and that I can access from anywhere - and so can the other people who have access to those branches. Putting these sets of branches into different databases (as is currently recommended) would require me to split the projects across 10 databases, forcing me to maintain 40 databases across 4 machines with the same number of trust settings.

Scenario 2 (sourceforge):
Let's for a second assume that sourceforge would wish to provide monotone access for all projects and developers. The current monotone recommendation would be to set up one database per project, meaning that sf would have to run 142766 instances of the monotone server on 142766 different ports.

I propose that netsync is modified to provide hard barriers between branches on write access. That is, when writing certificates and revisions, it denies write access to those branches that the authenticated user has no write access to. It also denies operations that would require read access to branches that the authenticated user has no read access to. If a revision is transmitted that is the child of a revision that the user does not have read-access to, then netsync has to transfer that revision as well, but it is not written to the other database (because it is already present there).

This proposal would have multiple effects on how netsync works.

First of all, it would allow much stricter control over who can write what to the database. This is useful because it solves the main problems that arise in the two scenarios described above, making it possible to keep private and non-private branches in the same database.

Second, it would lead to (potentially) lower efficiency. If the user has new revisions which are children of revisions that he does not officially has read-access to, then he has to also transmit the parent revisions, even though these may already be present in the other database. I do not expect that this would happen often. One could even argue that this can only happen when the access rights are incorrectly configured. After all, how can a user know of a revision that he doesn't have read-access to?

In my opinion this proposal is orthogonal to the concept of trust settings. Trust settings allow control over what people read from a database that contains all sorts of things, and these rules allow control over what people write to a database that contains all sorts of things.

What do you think?


-- Ulf

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