Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker wrote:
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 19:13:39 +0100, Ulf Ochsenfahrt 

ulf> Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker wrote:
ulf> > You know, this wouldn't be such a problem if we could just teach
ulf> > virtual domains to monotone, and have it select which database to use
ulf> > for each session based on that.  And really, it wouldn't have to be
ulf> > very complicated either, would it?
ulf> ulf> It doesn't entirely solve the problem, though. ulf> ulf> 1) it still doesn't give control over what someone can write to
ulf>    the db

It does if you associate separate write-permissions with the separate

I mean that someone can still accidently push my.funny.branch to the wrong repository.

ulf> 2) it isn't possible to easily move branches between domains
ulf> 3) it isn't possible to sync the entire thing (you'd still have
ulf>    to do multiple syncs)

Well, of course not, but those things *are* orthogonal to having Hard
Barriers between projects, which I thought was the main topic of this

Not entirely. The barrier is setup according to your rights, so you can sync everything that you have access to in one go.


-- Ulf

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