On 3/2/07, Nathaniel Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 03:32:43PM +0100, Lapo Luchini wrote:
> Small poll: what database file does other people use?

Hmm, odd, I seem to be in the minority :-).  I have a directory under
~/src/ for each project, so I have e.g. ~/src/monotone/, and then it
contains my db in the top level, monotone.mtn, and a bunch of checkout
directories on different branches, and build directories for those
checkouts.  The nice thing about this approach is that it means all
the data for a single project is stuck together in one place; this is
sort of the model I have in the back of my head when I talk about how
I think the UI should look.

So either I'm wrong or everyone else is :-).  I guess I'm curious what
people think...

That's what I do, except I also have one or two dbs on ~/var/ for more
general stuf (like versioning source of the 3rd party libraries I use,
just to easily check for code changes in case of problems).

~Nuno Lucas

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