I was always skeptical about the non-recursive-by-default changes, but
this is just ridiculous:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [7:50][309]/tmp/bar> mkdir -p test/a/b/c/d
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [7:50][310]/tmp/bar> touch test/a/b/c/d/boing
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [7:51][311]/tmp/bar> mtn add --unknown
mtn: adding test to workspace manifest
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [7:51][312]/tmp/bar> mtn add --unknown
mtn: adding test/a to workspace manifest
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [7:51][313]/tmp/bar> mtn add --unknown
mtn: adding test/a/b to workspace manifest
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [7:51][314]/tmp/bar> mtn add --unknown
mtn: adding test/a/b/c to workspace manifest
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [7:51][315]/tmp/bar> mtn add --unknown
mtn: adding test/a/b/c/d to workspace manifest
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [7:51][316]/tmp/bar> mtn add --unknown
mtn: adding test/a/b/c/d/boing to workspace manifest

Yes, I know I could use "add -R --unknown".

Yes, it is now at least consistent, in that "ls unknown" shows only
the first directory level -- although there's no "ls -R unknown" to
correspond to the add.

Yes, I know it's shorter and perhaps less 'scary'/'noisy'(/helpful?) 
for the user to only list the unknown top-level directory -- although
we now also seem to list every ignorable file during "add --unknown"
where we didn't previously.

No, the more I use it the less I like it this way.


(PS: savannah seemed to be unresponsive, otherwise I would have filed
this as a bug rather than whining on the list)

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