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William Uther schrieb:
> Hi all,
>   Again, this is probably most relevant to Christof Petig... I've just
> committed a test to the n.v.m.cvssync.refactor branch that causes a
> freeze in mtn_cvs pull.  The test is skipped just before the line that
> freezes.
>   I've traced the problem back to mtn_automate::get_sync_info().  I
> generate a revision in mtn that has cvs: attributes, as well as a cert
> with sync info.  The cert appears to only contain cvs revision info for
> some of the files.  This manifests itself in cvs_repository::update()
> during a pull because the 'last' variable, that should contain the last
> cvs revision we synced with, is empty.  That then causes the
> "Inconsistency" on line 450 to show up.  That in turn fails an invariant
> which when thrown doesn't close all the various pipes correctly and
> leads to the freeze.
>   So there are at least two problems here:
>   i) Either mtn_automate::get_sync_info() should be falling back to file
> attributes when the cert doesn't contain the info it needs, or
>      Whatever writes the sync info into the cert needs to add sync info
> for all files in the revision.  (I suspect the first option here is
> better - it is backwards compatible with people who have already hit
> this problem, and it is more space efficient.)

I did not hit this problem, yet. Of course I prefer translucent or delta

> and,
>   ii) Failing an invariant should cause a clean windup, not a freeze
> where the child and parent process are each waiting on the other.

Of course. I just did not get around to investigate why invariance
failure is not handled correctly. The error is most likely in
mtn_automate.cc (client failure) or mtn_cvs.cc (program failure).


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