Harsh .... (also beware of falling rants)

Unforutnatly, although monotone has become much much better for performance
issues... it was knocked out of the world of 'valid' distributed version
control systems because of speed.

There may be some issues with 'guarantee that what I put in I get back out'
also, in respect to line endings.... I know there was some discussion about
monotone being 'helpful' with line ending translation, which it really
shouldn't do...

There may be reasons that no matter what platform I check a certain text
file out on that the line endings need to be exactly what I put in.

And more likely, if your sources, your compiler, etc, require certain line
endings, then store them that way.  And probably, noone else with any other
sort of plaformtn.... sorry I'm rambling.

Git's command set appears, on the surface, to resemble monotone's.... GPM is
one such project that has become involved with 'git' but it's very unclear
how to actually use git to get these sources... maybe it's cause I started
with that specific project...

On 5/17/07, Evan Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Linus Torvalds gave a talk at Google on git:
It's not that great of a talk (sorta slow and rambly), but I thought
I'd point out to y'all that he says a few nice things about monotone
right around minute 12.  (Seeking on YouTube rarely works, but I've
found that if you let the video buffer past the 12 minute point you'll
sometimes be able to jump to that point by clicking.)

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