I have set up a buildbot for my Gentoo system at home and it's working
great. I'd like to offer buildbots for MingW and Mac OS X but I don't
have dedicated machines for this and the buildbots would have to be up
and down depending on what I'm doing on my machines. Would the
community still find these useful?

If I am to run a Mac OS X buildbot I'll need help with runit. I'm
attempting to install via macports and manually but both are failing
with the same usage error within the compiling:

If I am to run a buildbot on MingW....how? I don't see any Windows
instructions on the BuildBot page and I have heard that runit
shouldn't(?) be used. Does anyone have instructions for how to set up
a buildbot on Windows?

Justin Patrin

Monotone-devel mailing list

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