
I have encountered an annoying problem whit pluck. I try to pluck two
revisions. The first one adds a directory, possibly with some files. Pluck
succeeds. Tse other revision adds a file under that directory. Pluck of
this revision (after the first one) fails with:

mtn: warning: orphaned node conflict on node <x>, dead parent <y>, name <f>
mtn: warning: resolve non-content conflicts and then try again.
mtn: error: merge failed due to unresolved conflicts

Besides the fact that the error message is horribly user unfriendly, this
should in my humble (and naive) opinion Just Work. I guess it Just Works
with cvs up -j... -j...

Attached is a test case as requested on #monotone .

mtn db init --db=test.db
mtn setup --db=test.db --branch plucktest.branch plucktest
cd plucktest
mtn add .
mtn diff
mtn commit -m'empty first rev'
BASE=$(mtn auto get_base_revision_id)
mtn mkdir a
mtn commit -m'add a dir'
FIRST=$(mtn auto get_base_revision_id)
touch a/f; mtn add a/f
mtn commit -m'add a file'
SECOND=$(mtn auto get_base_revision_id)
mtn up -r$BASE
mtn mkdir b
mtn commit -m'some other random nonconflicting change'
mtn pluck -r$FIRST
mtn pluck -r$SECOND
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