On Fri, Jul 06, 2007 at 10:40:18AM +0100, Bruce Stephens wrote:
> "Joel Crisp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Interesting, but how would you ensure that all distributed nodes had
> > the same version of the command scripts?
> Policy branches?
> Having different nodes with different collections of extra commands is
> surely an issue, but it's not one that seems to bother mercurial, git,
> etc.  That suggests that its possible to live with the problem.

People sometimes listen to the long list of magical things policy
branches are supposed to do and ask "so what *don't* they do?"

I propose that "ship around executable code and automatically run it
with full user privileges on all developers' machines" might be one
answer to this question.

-- Nathaniel

"If you can explain how you do something, then you're very very bad at it."
  -- John Hopfield

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