On 19/09/2007, at 12:51 PM, Ethan Blanton wrote:

William Uther spake unto us the following wisdom:
Hrm - if the files are auto-generated, then you should just delete
them.  You can re-generate them when you update back to this revision
again.  But you say you don't want to do that, so I assume that they
have original data.  In which case you should 'add' them to monotone.

There is another possibility -- maybe they are simply expensive to

I'm not sure this makes a real difference. Either you want to re- generate them or you don't. If you don't want to re-generate them then you should add them.

I actually think something maybe could change here in mtn. When a directory should be dropped in an update, but it contains unversioned files, rather than failing at that point the versioned files should be removed and the directory left behind as a normal unversioned directory with the unversioned files in it.

I think that is an optimisation though. I think the original description is better handled with two working copies.

Several times in renaming directories in the Pidgin source
tree, I've had to blow away quantities of object files which I would
rather have kept, all things being equal.  (They could, of course, be
kept by tarring them up, removing them, renaming, and extracting or
what-have-you, but they're just not *that* expensive to generate!
[Pidgin isn't C++, after all... ;-)])  In such a case, it really would
be nice if the non-versioned files just moved right along with the
versioned files.

Um, I don't understand.

% mtn db init --db=mtn.db
% mtn setup wc --branch=testbranch --db=mtn.db
% cd wc
% mtn mkdir testdir
% cd testdir
% touch addedfile
% mtn add addedfile
% mtn commit
% touch nonaddedfile
% cd ..
% mtn mv testdir testdirB
% ls
_MTN            testdirB
% ls testdirB
addedfile       nonaddedfile

Looks like the non added file did get moved with a move. Have you had something else happen?

Will        :-}

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