Tobias Hunger schrieb:
> Would it be possible to have monotone just ignore the branch and continue 
> after giving that warning?

Use the --exclude option for this.

> How can I change the default branch pattern used by pull? Manually giving 
> net.venge.\* after a pull is somewhat tiresome;-)

There is --set-default which sets the given arguments as standard for
the next push/pull/sync.

> How can I find out which branch pattern is currently in use?

There is the `ls vars` command.

> What is the recommended branch pattern for net.venge.* seems to 
> work, but I am afraid to miss out some of the cool new stuff using it;-)

All the cool stuff goes to net.venge.monotone, but of course there are a
couple of other branches which include experimental code (which may
crash, not work or even does not compile). If you want all that as well,
you should

$ mtn pull "net.venge.monotone*"

but you'll get a couple of other, unrelated branches then as well
(monotone-viz, guitone, ...).

> Thanks for your time (and monotone of course!)

You're welcome!


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