Zbigniew Zagórski schrieb:
PS. I know that commit from automate would be the best way but we
can't wait for it (sadly, it's too big task for me to do it now ).
mtteam is in almost usable state and the only blocking issue is
commit. We'll gladly switch to 'automate commit' when it will be done.

PS2. I'm sure guitone also looks for solution to "commit from GUI"

Actually guitone can commit from the GUI, just it has no support for entering a passphrase. I'm using automate put_revision, automate put_file and automate cert to emulate the behaviour of commit and it works quite fine.

Two things with respect to that:

1) It's possible to enter a passphrase even in stdio if mtn asks for it. The prompt is displayed twice, but after the phrase has been entered the operation succeeds. I think I'll add some support for that in the next guitone release (just haven't cared until now) - the thing is just that the key prompt is localized and therefor not nice to parse.

2) If the password has been given once, mtn won't ask for it again on subsequent actions which require a key password until stdio is killed.

So, while its perfectly possible to do some rcfile tickery like William wrote in an earlier email, I think it would be better if we would include some kind of native support for asking for a key passphrase over stdio and/or even have some explicit "need_key_password" (which returns a boolean) and "set_key_password" (which could be used if a user has no get_passphrase / ssh-agent setup whatsoever) automation commands. I know this probably might not be very secure, but it would be damn convenient for automate developers like me...

On a related note, if you think of doing commits over automate like I currently do, what is really _lacking_ in automate is a way to let mtn return a valid restricted revision for a given set of paths (i.e. I currently just feed put_revision with the complete output of get_revision). One could of course do the node restriction logic in the client (f.e. for renames), but this is very ugly.


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