Markus Schiltknecht:
As another, minor point, IMO the second is also easier to read and understand. A good (but admittedly deprecated) example might be:

Looks quite confusing to me, where as:

Makes the thing easier to understand. Especially for starters, I think.

Timothy Brownawell:
There needs to be a clear separation between the db path and any
parameters. http://host/path/to/app/followed/by/parameters can work for
web apps because all processing of the URL happens on the server, which
already knows do discard /path/to/app when looking for parameters. We
can't do that, because the netsync client also needs to know the

Have it look like

and the parsing on client side should be fine. To stay with the widely known URL scheme, a '&' character would be needed for the addition of further parameters. As this would be a problem for CLI use, just encapsulate the URL in quotation marks. BASH and (T)CSH work fine with this, I just tested that. Try on your konsole if

  echo "";

is working, while

  echo "!efg";

should result in error.

I think the approach of only using slashes in the path of an URL is mostly used to obscur the structure of a web application. It makes it not very easy for the user to tell at which point there is code envolved (servlets, etc) or where there is a relative filesystem path, or whatever other resource you can guess of. But I am straying from the point.

If I correctly understood the recent discussion, my example above would imply the use of 'exclude' and 'include' parameters rather than using special characters. Anyway, the resulting URL would therefore be much longer to type, but as the reasoning for 'beginners' has already come up, a longer and also more verbose URL would be much better to understand. There would be less irritation ("Okay, I just want to do xyz, but how? Let's try if [....] works. Hmm, doesn't") and the scheme would be easier to learn, because known practices (HTTP, ...) could be applied.

Last week I had serious doubts in my senses, when some java RMI stuff I coded just wasn't getting to work. I tried a lot of examples, copied them 100% and followed each step accurately, but it didn't work. The reason was, the URL for the java.rmi.server.codebase was missing a trailing slash. Nowhere in any article I read was a single clue on this necessity. The enlightenment came late at night while reading some FAQ article which had been stuffed in the rearmost corner of the Sun website. So much for my story of beginners trouble with URLs. Please just don't let it happen with monotone ;-)

I'm almost sure I forgot something to write down here, but the text is already sufficiently vast.

Happy Easter!


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