ooo - yes.

I found myself using "mtn log --brief --no-graph <file>" in the Ikiwiki
code.  From that I would grab the revs - the hex string at the start of
each line. Then I get the certs on those revs using other automate commands.

But an automate command like you suggest would be nice. Even if it is only
a replacement for "mtn log --brief --no-graph".


Will        :-}

On 22/05/2008, at 7:37 PM, Stephen Leake wrote:

I'm thinking of adding a new 'automate log' command.

It would have options for specifying what data to include in the
output, and output everything in basic_io.

The rationale for this is that the current Emacs DVC implementation of
"show log for this file" is incredibly slow.

Emacs DVC uses the existing automate functions to retrieve all the
information it needs for "show log for this file". That ends up being
a _lot_ of automate calls, and it scales with the size of the
database, since essentially every revision  must be examined to see if
it changes the file. Even using automate stdio, it is far too slow to
be useful.

By comparision, 'mtn log <file>' is blazingly fast. So clearly
figuring out what revisions to output is better done in C++ in a
single mtn function, rather than in Emacs Lisp with lots of mtn
automate calls.

Parsing the output of 'mtn log <file>' is an option, but parsing the
output of 'mtn automate log' would be much prefered.


-- Stephe

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