Daniel Carrera wrote:

I am currently a Darcs user and I'm interested in Monotone's greater data integrity assurance. But I have a question about committing:

I am the sole programmer at a small business. Often I will be working on Feature_A when something else comes up (Issue_B) that requires immediate attention (boss wants a new feature asap, customer has a problem, etc). So I deal with Issue_B and when I'm done I go back to working on Feature_A. My work is a web application, so it is perfectly reasonable to solve Issue_B, send the changes to the server and then continue with Feature_A.

Anyways, at this point I would like to commit the changes related to Issue_B. But I already have a bunch of changes for Feature_A and I don't want to mix the two together. These are logically different changes and should be on different patches. I would like to know how Monotone could help me deal with this situation. This situation happens every week. I am often working on improving the crappy source code I inherited from my predecessor or fixing security issues while the boss wants to add a new feature. So I need a simple way to say "put these changes in the patch but don't include these other ones".

My current solution is Darcs, which indeed makes the above easy. When I run "darcs record", darcs shows me the changes one at a time, and I can tell it which ones to include in the patch. Another equally good solution is: (1) record the current changes for Feature_A, (2) work on Issue_B, (3) record the changes for Issue_B, (4) UN-DO step (1), and continue working on Feature_A. This latter option is actually more useful.

Anyways, does Monotone offer either solution to my problem? Or perhaps it offers a third solution that I have not thought of yet?


When I need to do things like this, I check out a new workspace (mtn co ../new-work-space) and then I make the hot fix change there and commit it. This keeps your Feature_A change from being included in the commit. You could also do this in a separate branch.

After you commit the hot fix (Issue_B), you can continue working on Feature_A as you were, commit and then merge later (mtn commit, mtn merge, see monotone branches can have two heads), or you can merge that change into your Feature_A workspace (mtn up) and continue from there.

Matthew Nicholson

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