Daniel Carrera wrote:
> I'm not happy with what Monotone did. If I undo a commit, I don't want
> Monotone to delete or modify my files. If I wanted that I would have
> told it to revert. What I want is that Monotone remove that action from
> the database and then behave as if the commit had never happened. I
> don't want it to mess with my files unless I say 'revert'.

But using disapprove you actually did not "un-commit", you really wanted
a commit that had the previous state (again)... so if the previous one
had "add directory, add file", this one gets "delete file, delete
directory"... it's correct that way, because that's what the "new
revision" wants to do over the previous one...

I think the problem is you wanted to do an "un-commit" and that doesn't
really exist(except, with proper care, "db kill_rev_locally", which does
exactly that: even restores the workspace state in the same state it was
before the commit) and what you ended up doing is something really
different... it's a matter of expectations, IMHO, and not some inherent
"wrongness" in the "mtn update" behaviour.

Lapo Luchini - http://lapo.it/

“Random numbers should not be generated with a method chosen at random.”
(Donald Knuth, "Seminumerical Algorthms")

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