Tero Koskinen wrote:
QuickieTasks wiki page (at
http://wiki-monotone.levitte.org/wiki/QuickieTasks/ ) lists "mtn detach"
and "mtn attach", which do the same effect, if I have understood
correctly. Is it better for the UI to have the action named as "attach"
or "rebase"?

Some thoughts on that:

If you are going to have two commands, I guess attach/detach is better. But I don't understand the need for detach. If you have only one command, I think "rebase" is better because it is consistent with other Monotone commands ("base revision"). You point out that it is not consistent with git, but Bruce explained that git is not consistent with anything. I've heard elsewhere that git is not internally consistent either. So I'm not sure that consistency with git should be a goal. I would worry that if Monotone tried to match git, then Monotone would become inconsistent too.

As a new user, I can say that Monotone feels very consistent and that this has made it easier to learn for me. So it is worth pausing for a minute to think about this issue.

Maybe there is a better command name we haven't thought of. I like this one:

mtn set revision <rev-id>

But that would conflict with the existing "mtn set" command.


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