2008/11/29 John Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> (...)
> Unlike a DVCS my schema is flat, there is no notion of a tree of
> edits/commits, just a running "straight" history of logs.  Actually there
> are no file blobs, just the log part of a commit.  I am hoping that this can
> means I can implement  this dvcs -lite logging repository in Javascript,
> Objective C, and Ruby without having to resort to anything but SHA1, basic
> language primitives and http and things available in most programming
> languages.   I am writing you Monotone guys hoping somebody can help point
> me the relevant bits of Monotone that I can look at for inspiriation. (...)

You're probably asking for merkle/hash tree based synchronization of
sets. That's
how monotone does it right now.

There is simpler (and easier  that netsync) Python implementation of it on
net.venge.monotone.dumb branch. After throwing monotone hooks it should
be able to synchronize anything that has unique signature (it doesn't
have to be SHA1)
and serializable to bytes.

So ... anything.

Zbigniew Zagórski
/ software developer / geek / happy daddy /
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